it's very difficult coming home from driving ally to school and there's no doggy to greet me
we go down stairs to hang up the laundry and he's not there
wanting to toss some meat scraps out the door
reaching to turn on the outside light so he can see
closing the door to keep him out of the house (it's a rental)
i think the hardest part is knowing i'll never lose my fingers in his soft fur again
that and i keep picturing him laying at the bottom of the hole
greg and i grieve so differently - we see death differently so we cope in different ways - i kept stroking and talking to bogart at the vet, even after he'd gone and the whole time we prepared his grave. where as greg really didn't want to look at him as to greg he was gone the moment the anaesthetic took effect (poor bogart was then transported wrapped in a blanket in the car boot). there is no wrong or right way to grieve. so i'm not saying he's wrong. just different. i think our methods may prolong the others grief 'though.
ally drew him in her visual diary at school yesterday - so she could look at him if she missed him at school - she wrote my puppe did (my puppy died). she's coping really well - though a little concerned for all our well being. theo says doh doh doh as we went down the steps yesterday - i was teaching him how to say dog. greg and i both cry. i guess it will get less each day.
dogs are so unconditional. greg told one of his workmates last week that bogart was always happy to see him when he got home from work - but that he couldn't guarantee i was - smile. i AM always happy to see him, however i do get cranky and you know what spaniels just don't do cranky!!!
oh well must off and feed theo
thanks for letting me indulge my grief a bit